
I do research in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, and the laboratory of Personality, Relationships and Evolutionary Psychology coordinated by Professor Peter K. Jonason at the University of Padua. My research interests are in the area of Evolutionary Psychology, relationships, sexuality, and personality structure. So far, I have published over 50 scientific articles, a book, and four book chapters.

Articles published in international scientific journals with impact factor, indexed Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics (IF>1):

Burtăverde, V., Miulescu, A., & Iliescu, D. (2023). Living fast and driving fast. Life history strategies, personality, and aggressive driving. Personality and Individual Differences200, 111892.

Burtăverde, V., Oprea, B., Miulescu, A., & Ene, C. (2022). Seeking important people and taking revenge: network and IRT analysis of the Short Dark Triad (SD3). Current Psychology, 1-15.   

Burtăverde, V., Shackelford, T. K., & Abed, M. G. (2022). Women higher in psychopathy and more interested in marriage are subjected to more verbal insults by their long-term partner. Personality and Individual Differences, 186, 111374. 

Burtăverde, V.,  Jonason, P. K., Giosan, C., & Ene, C. (2021). Why do people watch porn? An evolutionary perspective on the reasons for pornography consumption. Evolutionary Psychology, 19(2), 14747049211028798. 

Rosca, A.C., Burtaverde, V, Dan, C. I., Mateizer, A., Petrancu, C.R., Iriza, A.I., Ene, C.A. (2021). The Dark Triad Traits of Firefighters and Risk-Taking at Work. The Mediating Role of Altruism, Honesty, and Courage. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 5983. https:// 

Rosca, A. C., Baciu, C. C., Burtaverde, V., & Mateizer, A. (2021). Psychological consequences in patiens with amputation of a limb. An interpretative-phenomenological analysis. Frontiers in Psychology12, 1410. 

Burtăverde, V., & Ene, C. (2021). Individuals high on the Dark Triad traits choose to stay single if they are low on sociosexuality. Personality and Individual Differences177, 110843.

 Iacob,C, I., Avram, E., & Burtăverde, V. (2021). Psychometric Properties of the Kingston Caregiver Stress Scale in Romanian Caregivers of Children and Adults with Disabilities Research in Developmental Disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Burtăverde, V., & Ene, C. (2021). The influence of environmental and social characteristics on women’s mate preferences. Personality and Individual Differences175, 110736.

Burtaverde, V. (2021). Women high on the Dark Triad traits are more attracted to narcissistic males if they are oriented to long term mating and had fewer experiences with unfaithful men. Personality and Individual Differences173, 110627.

Burtăverde, V., Jonason, P. K., Ene, C., & Istrate, M. (2021). On being “dark” and promiscuous: The Dark Triad traits, mate value, disgust, and sociosexuality. Personality and Individual Differences168, 110255.

Ene, C., Burtăverde, V., Jonason, P. K., & Avram, E. (2020). Fathers high in psychopathy invest more in offspring who resemble them. Personality and Individual Differences159.

Burtăverde, V., Vlăsceanu, S., & Avram, E. (2019). Exploring the relationship between the personality structure and smartphone usage. Current Psychology.

Burtaverde, V., & Iliescu, D. (2019). Emic vs etic frame of reference personality assessment in the prediction of work-related outcomes. Career Development International.

Oprea, B., Iliescu, D., Burtăverde, V., & Dumitrache, M. (2019). Personality and boredom at work: the mediating role of job crafting. Career Development International.

Burtăverde, V., Avram, E., & Vlăsceanu, S. (2019). Not using social media. A socioanalytic

perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 101, 276-285.

Avram, E., Burtaverde, V., & Zanfirescu, A. Ș. (2019). The incremental validity of career adaptabilityin predicting academic performance. Social Psychology of Education, 1-16.

Burtăverde, V., de Raad, B., & Zanfirescu, A. Ş. (2018). An emic-etic approach to personality assessment in predicting social adaptation, risky social behaviors, status striving and social affirmation. Journal of Research in Personality76, 113-123.

Burtăverde, V., & De Raad, B. (2018). Taxonomy and structure of the Romanian personality lexicon. International Journal of Psychology.

Burtăverde, V., Chraif, M., Aniței, M., & Dumitru, D. (2017). The HEXACO model of personaliy and Risky driving behavior. Psychological Reports, 120(2), 255-270.

Burtăverde, V., Chraif, M., Aniţei, M., & Mihăilă, T. (2016). The incremental validity of the dark triad in predicting driving aggression. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 96, 1-11.

Chraif, M., Aniţei, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2015). The link between personality, aggressive driving, and risky driving outcomes–testing a theoretical model. Journal of Risk Research, 19(6), 780-797.

Chraif, M., Dumitru, D., Aniţei, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2015). Developing of an English Version of the Aggressive Driving Behavior Test (AVIS). Improving the Construct Validity of Aggressive Driving. Current Psychology, 35(1), 29-38.

Articles published in international scientific journals indexed in Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics):

Burtăverde, V., Jonason, P. K., Ene, C., Avram, E., & Istrate, M. (2021). Individuals High on the Dark Triad Traits are more jealous if they are also high on mate Value and restricted in sociosexuality. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1-13.

Burtaverde, V., Ene, C., Chiriac, E., & Avram, E. (2021). Decoding the link between personality traits and resilience. Self-determination is the key. Current Issues in Personality Psychology.

Cîrstoveanu, C., Oprea, B., Burtăverde, V., Dimitriu, M., Stoian, A. P., Ionescu, A. C., … & Chiper, B. (2020). Emotional Intelligence and the Perception of Stressors at Work Among Healthcare Employees in Neonatology and Paediatrics. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology8(3).

Articles published in journals indexed in international databases:

Burtaverde, V., Shackelford, T.K., Ionescu, S.C., Bumbănac, M., & , Eugen, A. (2023). In negative life contexts men report a lower desire to end relationship if their partners are high in borderline behavioral characteristics. A quasi-experimental research. Studia Psychologica: Theoria et praxis 

Burtăverde, V. (2016). The structure of personality in Romania. A lexical approach. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 7(1), 265-267.

Bogluț, A., Rizeanu, S., Codreanu, D., & Burtăverde, V. (2016). Well-being, occupational stress and pain perception as predictors of IT services quality in a Bucharest multinational Company. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 7(1), 391-394.

Chraif, M., Burtăverde, V., Trandafirescu, A.M., & Tudose, C.E. (2016). The Relationship Between Stress, Driving Aggression and Personality Traits. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 4(1), 8-17.

Bilga, C., Bud, F.M., Pascu, M., Burtăverde, V. (2016). Gender Differences on Driving Styles And Dark Triad Personality Traits in Young People. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 4(1), 18-30.

Burtăverde, V. (2015). Psychometric properties of the HEXACO PI-R on a romanian sample. The relationship with work outcomes and general outcomes. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 6(1), 32-58.

Anitei, M., Mihaila, T., Burtaverde, V., & Glăvan, L. (2015). Motivation, Positive and Negative Emotion at High School Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences203, 429-432.

Petrescu, M., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., & Mihaela, A. (2015). Situational Judgments Tests–A Fact in Call Center Personnel Selection. Pilot Study. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences187, 762-766.

Bogluţ, A., Rizeanu, S., & Burtăverde, V. (2015). Vocational Guidance for Undergraduate Psychology Students. Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire of Vocational Interests in Psychology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, 713-718.

Dumitru, A.R., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T. (2015). Exploring Turnover, Bullying at Work And Organizational Commitment In The Communication Field. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 6(4), 66-78.

Burtăverde, V. (2015). The relationship between personality factors of the Big Five model and the vocational interests in the pharmaceutical field. Pilot study. Romanian Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis, 2(3).

Chraif, M., Vilcu, A., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2015). The relationship between personality factors and movement anticipation in young drivers. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 3(1), 66-73.

Aniţei, M., Cojocaru, F., Burtaverde, V., & Mihaila, T. (2015). Differences in Academic Specialization Regarding Stressor Perception, Coping and Stress Effects Perception in Young Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 203, 433-437.

Aniței, M., Chraif, M., Burtaverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2014). The Big Five Personality Factors in the prediction of aggressive driving behavior among romanian youngsters. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 2(1), 7-22.

Aniţei, M., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., Chraif, M., & Georgiana, D. (2014). Differences in Perception of Work Related Stressor, Physical and Mental Health between a Beauty Company and a Design, Consultancy and Management in Transport Infrastructure Company. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences128, 223-227.

Chraif, M., Aniţei, M., Dăniţă, C. D., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2014). Differences in Multiple Response Stimuli Regarding Two Eyes Versus One Eye Vision in an Executive Motor Task–A Pilot Study. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences128, 251-255.

Aniţei, M., Birău, M., Chraif, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2014). Social context differences in aggressive behavior perception between police officers working in offices and police officers working in the field. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences127, 872-877.

Burtoiu, S., Burtăverde, V. (2013). Stragegic plan for calculating staff fluctuation from a HR point of view in SC Salvomed SRL. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 4(2), 60-77.

Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2013). Personnel fluctuation in a human resources consultancy agency. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 4(2), 97-109.

Chraif, M., & Burtăverde, V. (2013). Transportation psychology in Romania. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 1(1), 2-3.

Burtăverde, V., Chraif, M., & Pandele, D (2013). Differences between topographic memory and form gestalt perception according to visual processing with one eye versus two eyes in young students. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 1(2), 58-68.

Chraif, M., Dăniţă, E.A., & Burtăverde, V. (2013). Driving behavior self-perception in Buzau garbage-truck drivers. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 1(1), 12-19.

Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2013). A summary of TRACECA regional road safety action plan. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, 1(1), 42-45.

Aniței, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2013). Personality factors in the prediction of Consumer complaint behavior regarding the restaurant industry. The moderation effect of positive emotions. Romanian Journal of Psychology, 59(4).

Dăscăliuc, F, C., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T, (2012). Study regarding familiar face recognition memory with index recognition on young people. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 3(2), 5-11.

Alexe, D., Chraif, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2012). Study regarding life satisfaction, teamwork and life ideals in a car producing multinational company in Bucharest. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 3(3), 4-13.

Catabulga, C., & Burtăverde, V. (2012). Correlative study between mental health, physical health, proorganizational behaviors, and counterproductive behaviors in a telephonic company from Chişinău. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 3(3), 22-28.

Ciuciu, D., & Burtăverde, V. (2012). The effect of sample offering on the sale process. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 3(3), 29-38.

Burtăverde, V. (2012). Self esteem, body esteem and quality of life among obese people in Romania. Romanain Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology 3(4), 23-32.

Burtăverde, V., Mihăila, T, (2011). Difficulties experienced by students in the use of Vienna Test System computerized pychchological tests. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 2(2), 42-50.

Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T, (2011). Significand differences between introvert and extrovert people’s simple reaction time in conflict situation. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, 2(3), 18-24.



Jonason, P.K., & Burtaverde, V. (2022). The Dark Triad traits and mating psychology. In D.M. Buss (Ed.), The Handbook of Human Mating (pp. 1–30). Oxford University Press.

Burtăverde, V., (2019). Creativitatea – modele teoretice și perspective de evaluare în organizațiiIn C.A. Roșca, D. Ionescu (Eds.). Psihologie organizațională aplicată – Volumul I (pp. 95-111). București: Editura Universitară. 

Aniței, M., Chraif, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2016). Tratat de Psihologia Personalității [Handbook of Personality Psychology]. Bucharest: Trei.

Chraif, M., Aniței, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T., (2015). Validation of an Experimental Set of Facial Expressions Recognition. The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits and Perception of Facial Expressions în A.S., Correia & A., Freitas- Magalhaes (eds). Emotional Expression: The Brain and the Face, Vol 7. 6/. FEELab Science Books: Porto.

Papers presented at National and International Conferences:

Burtăverde, V. (2019, November). Not using social-media. A socioanalytic perspective. Paper presented at The 13rd edition of the National Conference of the Romanian Psychologists Association. Cluj Napoca. November, 2019. 

Burtaverde, V., Avram, E., & Vlasceanu, S. (2019, April). Exploring the relationship between personality structure and smartphone usage. Paper presented at the 3rd World Conference on Personality. Hanoi, April, 2019.

Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., Aniței, M., & Chraif, M. (2016, March). The incrementl validity of the Dark Triad in predicting Driving Aggression. Paper presented at the 2nd World conference on Personality, Rio de Janeiro, March, 2016.

Aniței, M., Chraif, M., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., Cazacu, L. (2015, June). Differences regarding positive and negative emotions in Italian students vs. Romanian students. Paper presented at the International Conference “From knowledge to intervention in Psychology”, Venus, May 2015.

Bogluț, A., Rizeanu, S., Codreanu, D., & Burtăverde, V. (2015, October). Well-being, occupational stress and pain perception as predictors of IT services quality in a Bucharest multinational Company. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference PSIWORLD “Psychology and the realities of the contemporary world”, Bucharest, October 2015.

Burtăverde, V. (2015, October). The structure of personality in Romania. A lexical approach. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference PSIWORLD “Psychology and the realities of the contemporary world”, Bucharest, October 2015.

Petrescu, M., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., & Ancu, M. (2014, October). Situational Judgments Tests–A Fact in Call Center Personnel Selection. Pilot Study. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference PSIWORLD “Psychology and the realities of the contemporary world”, Bucharest, October 2014.

Bogluţ, A., Rizeanu, S., & Burtăverde, V. (2014, October). Vocational Guidance for Undergraduate Psychology Students. Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire of Vocational Interests in Psychology. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference PSIWORLD “Psychology and the realities of the contemporary world”, Bucharest, October 2014.

Aniţei, M., Cojocaru, F., Burtaverde, V., & Mihaila, T. (2014, October). Differences in Academic Specialization Regarding Stressor Perception, Coping and Stress Effects Perception in Young Students. Paper presented at the International Conference EPC-TKS 2015, Ploiesti, May 2015.

Anitei, M., Mihaila, T., Burtaverde, V., & Glăvan, L. (2014, October). Motivation, Positive and Negative Emotion at High School Students. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the International Conference EPC-TKS 2015, Ploiesti, May 2015.

Anitei, M., Carjoanu, C., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2014, June). The influence of work engagement on self-perceived physical and mental health for senior year students at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Paper presented at the National Conference: Psychology and Society, Bucharest, June 2014.

Aniței, M., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., & Petricică, R. (2014, June). Significand differences between male and feale emplyees regarding perceived stress. Paper presented at the National Conference: Psychology and Society, Bucharest, June 2014.

Aniţei, M., Burtăverde, V., Mihăilă, T., Chraif, M., & Dăsculțu, G. (2013, October). Differences in Perception of Work Related Stressor, Physical and Mental Health between a Beauty Company and a Design, Consultancy and Management in Transport Infrastructure Company. Paper presented at the International Conference “Education And Psychology Challenges – Teachers For The Knowledge Society”, Bucharest, October 2013.

Chraif, M., Aniţei, M., Dăniţă, C. D., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2013, October). Differences in Multiple Response Stimuli Regarding Two Eyes Versus One Eye Vision in an Executive Motor Task–A Pilot Study. Paper presented at the International Conference “Education And Psychology Challenges – Teachers For The Knowledge Society”, Bucharest, October 2013.

Aniţei, M., Birău, M., Chraif, M., Burtăverde, V., & Mihăilă, T. (2013, October). Social context differences in aggressive behavior perception between police officers working in offices and police officers working in the field. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference PSIWORLD “Psychology and the realities of the contemporary world”, Bucharest, October 2013.

Research and development projects with national and international funding

Project manager/Postdoctoral fellow/Life-history strategies and aggressive driving. An integrative framework for assessing and managing aggressive driving. Funded by UEFISCDI, ID PD 15/20, 2020-2022. 

Psychologist/Consultant. INTENSIV: A + of chance to life for children in critical life conditions (POCU/91/4/8/109547), 2018-2020.

National Research Assistant Coordinator/International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS 2023). Funded by MEN-UMPFE, 2018-2021, 2020-2024.

National Research Assistant Coordinator/Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2019). Funded by MEN-UMPFE, 2018-2021, 2018-20121.

Career guidance counselor/Success for future psychology through the counseling of current students. Funded by POSDRU, 2014-2015. ID 142088, 2014-2015.

Career guidance counselor/Counselling for the pharmacists of the future. Funded by POSDRU, 2014-2015. ID 141846, 2014-2015.